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Reference Does~So many to add here it is a work in progress

Flat Rocks TJ China Doll    DOB 5/14/2013

$800 SOLD Going back to the Flat Rocks Herd

Beautiful doe that is a great milk producer but also hard to catch and why she is available. She has produced some of the prettiest kids I have retained several daughters.

SIRE Enchanted Hill Thomas Jefferson

SS MCH Enchanted Hill Haiku

(Enchanted Hill O'Leary +S X Enchanted Hill Lyric)

SD Enchanted Hill Pixie

(Ponders End DG Paddington X Enchanted Hill Lotus Blossum)

DAM Flat Rocks Briar Rose

DS MCH Flat Rocks Fox Fire E

(MCH Ponders End FO Minstrel Show X Lost Pines Champagne )

DD Flat Rocks Calico Rose

(Flat Rocks Flash +S E X Willows Scandal )

Flat Rock's Jeopardy's Hope1   *M             6/4/2013

$900 SOLD Joining Rolling Meadows herd

Beautiful doe that is very sweet and easy to milk perfect manners on the stand. She has her milk star that she earned as ff and great mom easy kidder.

SIRE Enchanted Hill Tom Jefferson

SS Enchanted Hill Haiku

SD Enchanted Hill Pixie

Dam Flat Rock's Final Jeopardy

DS Irish Whisper Harry Potter

DD Flat Rocks Double Jeopardy

Fields Of Grace H3X Americana

$800 SOLD

Sire Split-Creek Hummer H3X

SS: Doublegate WHFB Austin

( Woodhaven Farms Bentley Hotwing X CH/MCH New Horizon Mariah)

SD MCH Split Creek Sierra

( Wildwood Dakota X Wildwood Savannah)

Dam Jasper Pines Hot Cocoa 1*M LA 88

DS MCH Rosasharns Tom's Keike Kane

( ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb +*S 'E' X Rosasharns Iki)

Alethia M Dancing Queen DOB 3/9/2014

$1500 SOLD Queen is joining the Doodle Acres herd

Very promising little doe, her sister was 2015 Junior Reserve National Champion (Alethia M Tiny Dancer placed 2nd in a class of 46 senior yearlings)

SIRE Grypron ST Moby*B*,

SS Castle Rock Sign Of the times *S

(*S CRF Castle Rock Harvest Moon X SGCH Algedi Farm H Purple Rain, 4*M, 4*D, VEEV90)

SD GCH Rosasharn AX B-yootiful 5*M VEEE90

(Rosasharn AL's Astrix, VEE89 X ARMCH Rosasharn's UMT Honey Bee, 4*M, 4*D, VVEE88)

DAM Alethia DJ Dancin In The Dark

DS GCH Algedi Farms Drops Of Jupiter++*B EEE91

(Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi+B*S X SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D E90 )

DD Alethia Como Confetti

(CH Mystiques BN Como X SGCH/MCH Algedi Farm DJ Honey Dew 5*M EEEE 91,

5 x BDIS)

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