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Members Of Our Herd That Are Gone But Not Forgotten
Members Of Our Herd That Are Gone But Not Forgotten

Fields Of Grace H3X Night Rider 2014 LA VVV86 2016 VEE90 DOB 11/30/12 Rider
Fields Of Grace H3X Night Rider 2014 LA VVV86 2016 VEE90 DOB 11/30/12 Rider
has been sold to Blessed Valley Farm in KY

Sire Split-Creek Hummer H3X
SS: Doublegate WHFB Austin
( Woodhaven Farms Bentley Hotwing X CH/MCH New Horizon Mariah)
SD MCH Split Creek Sierra
( Wildwood Dakota X Wildwood Savannah)
Dam J-Nels Kandy Kane 2013 LA VEEE90
DS J-Nels SQ Gray Poupon *B
( Rosasharns SS Sequoia +*B *S X SGCH J-Jnels ER Dumplin 1*M )
DD Little Tots Estate Kniphofia
( Rosasharns SS Sequoia +*B *S X Echo Point Zantedeshia)
Our appraiser REALLY liked this young buck saying he was the perfect balance of strength and dairy character! . I was so impressed with this little guy and had planned to retain him as a replacement for his sire Hummer. I had the great fortune of being able to bring his 1/2 brother in CH J-Nels HM Chipper boy and so Night Rider won't get the use that he deserves. DAM J-Nels GP Kandy Kane EEEE90

Split-Creek Hummer H3X
Split-Creek Hummer H3X

Sire: Doublegate WHFB Austin
SS: Woodhaven Farms Bentley Hotwing
SD: SGCH/MCH New Horizon Mariah
Mariah won her AGS Championship with 3 GCH and later earned her ADGA Champion status in 1997 she had her final appraisal of VEE+FS-87 at the grand old age of 10yrs old!
Dam: MCHSplit Creek Sierra
DS: Wildwood Dako
He measures only 20 1/2" Hummer consistently proved himself with his offspring! His daughter CH J-Nels HM Kookie Doe finished her Championship status as a ff and appraised 2013 EEEE 91! CH J-Nels HM Chipper Boy littermate to Kookie Doe also is also finished Champion and I am so grateful to be able to bring him into our herd after losing Hummer last winter.

Little Tots Estate Paul Bunyan *B 2013 LA EEE 91 DOB 3/30/09 Straws $40 ea or 5/$175 2014 LA EEE 90
Little Tots Estate Paul Bunyan *B 2013 LA EEE 91 DOB 3/30/09 Straws $40 ea or 5/$175 2014 LA EEE 90

Sire: GCH SM3Pines PT Tsbar +B
SS: Little Tots Estate Pseudotsuga
SD ARMCH Gay-Mor Berry's Jurassic 1*M
Dam: GCH/PGCH Brush Creek Hallelujah 1*M
DS: GCH/MCH/PGCH SM3Pines Juren's Swell Foop +B
DD: MCH Buttin Heads Reason For Living
Not only is he doing really well in the showring but having LA at EEE91 this year just shows what a well put together Paulie is! He adds lots of length, capacity and dairy character can't wait to see his daughters freshen! Thanks so much Darla & Don of Ovation Farms for allowing him to come to his forever home and Rusty Repp for breeding such an awesome boy!
Paul got 3 X 1st place 1 Grand Champion SR buck and 2 Reserve Champions at his first show in Shelby NC June 8&10, 2012 the judges really liked his powerful front in and he was repeatedly praised for his excellent legs
*** Paul was 1st place 3-5 yr olds, Grand Champion, Best of Breed and Best Buck in Show at Rocky Mount 5/25/13 Paul just needs 1 more Grand Champion leg to be a finished Champion!
1st place in all 3 rings at Shelby NC 2013
1st place under Karen Aker Smith, 2 place under Will Pearson at the 2014 Carrollton GA show
Dam: GCH/PGCH Brush Creek Hallelujah 1*M courtesy of Little Tots Estate

CH Wooly Dog Down Zambra 2013 VVE 88 DOB 9/20/09 Blue Eyes/Polled Straws 5/$200
Zambra is the first buck I had the privilage of having become a finished Champion with ADGA he has moved on to Kitty Branch Farm in Alabama. I have lots of daughters and 2 collections in my tank can't wait to see his daughters freshen!

SIRE TX Twincreeks WDF Texas 2 Step *S
SS Pecan Hollow Willy'DanceFever *S EEE 91 6X GCH
(Rosasharn Tom's Bit-A-Willy *S X MCH/PGCH Little Rascals Dance For Joy*D 5XGCH 4X Best Udder)
SD MCH HBF LS Darlin Clementine *D VEEE90 5XGCH 6X Best Udder
MCH HBF Luckey Strike * S E X Far-N-Best Little Darlin VG)
DAM Wooly Dog Veronica
DS Velvet Acres Knothead
DSS MCH Flat Rocks Flash+S E
(Flat Rocks Mighty Mike X MCH Flat Rocks Surprise*D AR)
DSD Flat Rocks Knuckle Head
(Flat Rocks Champion Design X Willows Bonehead)
Photo taken by Teena Bagwell DD Wooly Dog Down Nicole
DDS Gay-Mor's LT Mickey Rooney
(Gay-Mor's T Blue LooneyToons X Munchranch East Nellie Backata)
DDD Gay-Mors Dandy Kamation
(High Acres Halftone's Jim Dandy X Gay-Mor AL's Heather)
Even though I am trying to downsize my buck herd could not pass up this guy when he became available! He has some of the best of old proven bloodlines and expect him to be a real nice cross with my Flat Rocks does. I have very high hopes for him in improving length and udders in my herd along with the show ring! He appraised with excellent feet and back and very good rump, rear and front legs, shoulder assembly and head for a final score of VVE88
Final Grand Champion leg and Best of Breed 5/2/15 under Daniel Young
Best of Breed and GCH 10/25/14 under Kristopher Farley @ SWMDGA Fall Frenzy Buck Show Neosho MO
Res Grand Ch 4/25/14 under Karen Aker Smith at Carrollton GA show
Grand Champion at the Shelby Show 6/14/14

Flat Rocks Ghostrider 2014 LA EEE91 Polled All Straws will be retained DOB 5/13/08
Ghostrider is sterile and retired

Sire Flat Rocks Flashback
SS Flat Rocks Gem +S
(Flat Rocks Mighty Fine *S X MCH Flat Rocks Surprise*D)
SD Flat Rocks Party Time (Dam to ARMCH Flat Rocks Here For The Party*D E 91.1, LA EEEV 90)
Dam Flat Rocks Alias
DS Flat Rocks Gem +S
(Flat Rocks Mighty Fine *S X MCH Flat Rocks Surprise*D)
DD Flat Rocks Sweet Reward
(Flat Rocks Champion Design X Willow Creek Gin Rummy)
Very excited to add Ghost, besides being a double Gem boy his sire is 3/4 sibling to ARMCH Flat Rocks Here For The Party *D E91.1 LA EEEV90 (Flat Rocks Party Time is her dam)
Quoting Flat Rocks breeder regarding Alias :
"Polled Alias is my pride and joy. She is an exceptional doe, being very long and level, extremely wide, and just dripping with dairy character. She represents everything we've come to expect from a Gem daughter. Her udder is glued on and beautifully shaped "
Our LA appraiser loved this boy and advised me to breed everything to him!!
4Xs 1st place 3x Reserve Grand Champion (all in 2014)

Rosasharn BB Achilles *B DOB 3/31/10 2014 LA VVV86
Sold to Double Durango Farm in GA
Rosasharn BB Achilles *B DOB 3/31/10 2014 LA VVV86
Sold to Double Durango Farm in GA

Sire Rosasharn WT B-Bo *S
SS- Rosasharn Toms Water Tabby
SD- Rosasharn"s UMT Honey Bee 4*M
Dam GCH Rosasaharn TL Uridice 3*M 2171, 4*D
2011 ANDDA Res All American 4 yr old 1X RGCH, 3 X GCH, 1X BU, I X BIS, BOB
DS- ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++*S *B E
DD- SGCH/ARMCH Rosasharn's Uni 2*M E AR1669 EEEV 90 3*DE
Above photo credit Teena Bagwell at 2014 Shelby show 6/15/14
Very impressive boy that I am so excited to have added, Thank You SO Much Shae Tebbets for this guy! We have retained lots of 2013 kids and are very impressed with them!
Achilles' was Reserve Grand Champion at Rocky Mount NC 5/25/13 under Rusty Repp plus 1 X 1st place
2 X's 1st place at Shelby NC show June 7 & 8 2013
2 Xs 1st place Shelby NC 2014
2 Xs 1st place Reserve Grand Champion SWMDG Fall Frenzy 10/25/14

J-Nels DH Luke blue eyes ADGA/AGS DOB 3/25/2011 Sold
J-Nels DH Luke blue eyes ADGA/AGS DOB 3/25/2011 Sold

SIRE CH Algedi Farms DJ Drops of Honey*S
SS: CH Algedi Farms Drops of Jupiter *B EEEE91
(Rosasharns UMT Hamachi *S X GCH Rosasharns TL Zenith 3*D 3*M E90 )
SD: SGCH Rosasharns UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91
(ARMCH Rosasharns Under My Thumb+*S X ARMCH Rosasharns Buckwheat Honey 3*D E 3*M EEEE91)
Dam: CH Steele Ballew Lantanna *D
Permanent Champion in ADGA and 5 X RGCH, 3X Best Udder in AGS
DS: MCH Steele Ballew Bayou
(Piddlin Acres Cajun Music*+S X Briar Hill Blue Ice Crystal)
DD: MCH/PGCH Half Pint Flora
Res AGS National Champ 2002
(Flat Rocks White Ice X Flat Rocks Satin Lace)
This is a buck that I am very excited to have here at Fields of Grace! He has some of the best bloodlines I could hope for. When I had an opportunity to reserve him I did ~as soon as the Nelsons posted their breeding schedule! Than when he was born they decided to retain him ~ until their CH/MCH Dumplin gave them another phenomenal buck (out of Honey) I was offered him and jumped at it!
Lantanna is both polled and blue eyed Luke has the blue eyes, she wasn't shown until the last couple of years and earned her CH status as an 8 yr old showing that she has held up for the test of time and has produced CH offspring including 2009 AGS Senior National Champ and Grand dam to Jr National Champ making her the ideal dam for my dream buck! Honey is a young upcoming buck owned by Teena Bagwell of Gypsy Moon he is a product of one of my favorite herds Algedi Farms! His sire and dam have together produced many champions and he is well on his way of achieving Champion status. Okay, so I am just a little excited to have Luke here :) Luke has measured at 23" to 2/3" over the 23 1/2 height limit for ADGA as a 3 yr old he is no taller than my shorter bucks at the back end but does have very high withers.
Luke was 1st place 1yr old in 3 rings and 2nd place in 1 ring at Shelby NC 6/2012
He was 1st place 2yr old at the Rocky Mount NC show under Rusty Repp on 5/25/13.
Luke was 1st place 2 out of 3 rings in Shelby NC June 7 & 8 2013

Tevyeh New I Stand Amazed AI *S~now residing at M&M Acres in FLA
Tevyeh New I Stand Amazed AI *S~now residing at M&M Acres in FLA

Sire Twin Creeks BW New Attitude *S VG (AI Breeding)
SS ARMCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++*S E
SD MCh Gay Mor JJU Nonpareil 4*D E
Dam GCH Rosasharn TL Uridice 4*D AR2171
2011 ANDDA Res All American 4 yr old 1X RGCH, 3 X GCH, 1X BU, I X BIS, BOB
DS ARMCH Rosasharns Tiger L ++*S *B E
DD SGCH/ARMCH Rosasharns Uni 2*M EEEV 90 3*D E AR1669
Amazing has gone through some awkward teenage growth spurts but he is maturing into a really awesome powerful buck!! He is a Bay Watch and Tiger L Grandson bringing in some irreplaceable old proven lines~
Amazing was 1st place 1yr old at Rocky Mount NC 5/25/13 under Rusty Repp
1st place 2 yr old SWMDGA Fall Frenzy Buck Show 3 rings 10/25/14
Dam GCH Rosasharn TL Uridice 4*D AR2171
Pic courtesy of Shea Tebbetts
Sire Twin Creeks BW New Attitude *S VG
Photo courtesy White Fire Weed Farm

Fields Of Grace Buck Buchanan DOB 5/7/12 BLUE EYES / MOONSPOTS Straws are $30 or 5/$125 Now residing at Honey Locust Herd in OH
Fields Of Grace Buck Buchanan DOB 5/7/12 BLUE EYES / MOONSPOTS Straws are $30 or 5/$125 Now residing at Honey Locust Herd in OH

SIRE J-Nels GP Freelance
SS J-Nels SQ Gray Poupon *B
(Rosasharn SS Sequoia *B *S X CH/MCH J-Nels ER Dumplin 1*M Apprasial 2011 EEEV 90, 2012 VEEE 90 )
SD CH Steele Ballew Lantanna*D
3X's Grand 5X's Reserve Grand 3X"s Best Udder
(MCH Steele Ballew Blue Bayou X MCH/PGCH Half Pint Flora )
DAM TX TwinCreeks SB Lunazul
DS Piddlin Acres PM Simon Birch
(Velvet-Acres Patriot Missile X Piddlin Acres BZ Bonzi Mist)
DD TX Twincreeks PAP Topeka Nights
( TX Twincreeks SEM Paparazzi X MCH/PGCH
Midsumernitedream 2*D )